The toilet seat
A sordid place
From which to choose
The bum or face
In continuing yesterday's scatological theme, today we visit the age-old question of whether to throw up or rapidly move the bowels.
If your stomach is in turmoil and you want to alleviate that feeling, you have to make a decision. Do you bend down and curl up next to the most reviled fixture in the house or plant your fanny firmly atop it?
To me, the decision is easy: keep your mouth shut.
Is there a more unnatural bodily function than having food and beverage you previously enjoyed reverse its course? Well, yes there is. Having that same food and beverage manage to take a detour through your nose. This may not happen every time, but the possibility is always there. I suppose the benefit to choosing this path is that you can expedite your misery more quickly. But I don't see how it can be remotely worthwhile. Your stomach cramps and you can't breathe momentarily; you have remnants that find their way onto your face; you can't get the taste out of your mouth or the smell out of your nose. Even the terms to describe the function sound icky and painful: yack, barf, retch, blow chunks, puke, heave, spew, vomit.
Conversely, the names for diarrhea sound almost comical: runs, Montezuma's revenge, backdoor trots, loose stool, blow mud, Aztec two-step. While the descriptions sound humorous, the act seems much more civil. In general, this is a function that is performed quite often. Most folks sit on the pot at least once per day. Some even look forward to this time away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, a chance to drop trow and collect one's thoughts. The only difference in this situation is that the results can sometimes be explosive. But at least it's completely contained. Splash-back, you say? Definitely a risk, but no more so than vomiting. And, sure, the odor can be offensive, but it's a temporary affliction, not one that parks itself within your sinuses. Plus, it gives you a chance to refine your wadding skills.
The clincher for me is this: which body part would you rather have nearest the toilet, your rear-end or your face? Even the most anal retentive housekeeper has to admit that the toilet is not a place you would prefer to be within nose-reach of. Yet, people have been known to camp out on the cool, unsanitary tiles 'round the latrine all night, if need be. And the ladies sometimes require an assistant to hold back their hair. All of this is unnecessary if you just keep your head above your heels.
Ah, keeping my head above my heels has proven to be out of my reach on more than one occasion. Vomiting scares the daylights out of me; I don't think I have ever vomited without crying at the same time because of the intensity of the action. I like the idea of working on my wadding skills. It can become an art form. I have to go with #2 (pun intended) of these two options. p.s. why are some forms of pain actually nauseating?
I staunchly disagree with you Nick--There is one argument that cannot be denied--it is much easier to clean up the mouth ( a simple brushing of the teeth) after vomiting than it is cleaning up one's anus after explosive diahrea--consequences of bad poop can run several days, such as sore bum, stinging, general irritation, etc. where if i vomit it's over with man, it's over with
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